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Made with unity, c#, Git and 3ds Max

Alone was the second game jam that I took part in. The team consisted of 3 programmers, 1 producer/designer and 1 designer. The theme for the game jam was alone. The concept for Alone is about a person being trapped in a bunker isolated from society. The objective of the game is that you need to make the bunker feel at home. There are many fun activities the player can do within the game like painting walls, finding music disc's around the level and playing them on the record players and even grabbing items and placing them where ever you want.


Due to there being no artists on our team, I decided that for the game jam I would create all the art assets. Though I'm not an artist, I've had experience in 3DS Max.  By swapping routes for this game jam it gave me the experience to understand what is expected of the artist. Because of my 3D modelling abilities, the team decided that creating a game that only required low poly assets would be the best option.


For me, this 48 hr game jam really put me under pressure because I had to quickly jog my memory of how to use 3DS Max as well as creating 20 plus assets for the game. My organisation skills for this project had to be precise to ensure that I was able to complete all the assets people wanted from me. For each asset I estimated a certain amount of time that I thought I could finish it, always estimating higher than lower just in case I can across any issues while modelling.  This meant that I was able to see if the number of assets set for me was achievable.



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