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Made with unity, c# & Git

Forsaken is the main 3rd-year project that I am working on. I am currently working in a team of ten multidisciplinary students to create a vertical slice souls like game. With only 8 months of development we challenged ourselves to create a single boss fight targeting to hit a high quality project.


On this project I worked on AI, animation and gameplay systems. Unlike other projects, this was my first time creating an in depth AI system. This therefore challenge me to be organised to research and plan on how to create a realistic and engaging boss AI.


In the first few weeks of development, I was tasked with creating a prototype boss fight that would demonstrate how the boss would interact with the player. I created three different attacks, each being activated depending on the distance the player was from the boss. From this prototype, the team realised that medium-range attacks should be melee attacks instead of magic attacks due to the fact that we wanted the player to engage with the combat of the boss.


Boss AI

The boss AI in Forsaken was designed to be designer friendly as well as being reusable for other boss fights.  The system that I created allowed the designers to create as many phases as was needed without having them do any hard coding.  The phases that were created for the boss only activated when the boss's health hit the required value.  Currently, in Forsaken, the boss AI only has three phases. each phase reducing the cooldown timer between each attack as well as introducing new attacks  for the player to tackle.

Rat AI

The team decided that at the beginning of Forsaken there should be a tutorial section where the player would be able to learn the inputs for the combat. My responsibility in this was creating the AI system for the rat that would attack the player. For the Rat I created three behaviours, these behaviours were Idle, chase and attack. Because of the rat being the first enemy the player encounters we wanted to make sure that the AI was easy to read so that the player could learn the controls without being constantly being killed by the rat.

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